The Pros and Cons of VelaShape

Despite VelaShape’s success, people have been questioning on VelaShape side effects that may harm both the skin and the body’s health. VelaShape has been widely known as a practical alternative to improving the skin appearance by means of reducing the cellulite lines and fat, while at the same time, smoothing out the treated skin area. The treatment is also said to stimulate the blood circulation on the treated area, resulting in a healthier and better skin appearance. However effective VelaShape is, it does not prove as a guarantee of success for all people. To see more into it, here are the pros and cons of using VelaShape.

The Benefit of VelaShape

VelaShape is designed with infrared wave and Bi-Polar Radio frequency wave that can emit heat and transmit it onto the skin and underneath the skin cells. The heat produced by these waves is effective in breaking down the excess fat inside the cells and transmitting them back into the bloodstream. The elimination of excess fat in the cells will reduce the waistline and cellulites, plus, improving the health of the cells and the appearance of the skin. To achieve these desired results, VelaShape does not need any painful and expensive treatment such as liposuction and tummy tuck. In reverse, VelaShape uses a roller that functions as a massaging tool to transmit the waves. The warm and relaxing rolling massage is an extra benefit for your body’s comfort.

VelaShape Side Effects

VelaShape might be a one for all solution to practically improving waistline and skin appearance. Unfortunately, this great results are not guaranteed to happen to all people who use this machine. Results do vary, depending on each person’s frequency in treatment, duration of treatment, as well as the fat cells density in the cells. However, statistics show that less than 50% of the consumers notice a significant change to their skin, especially in the reduction of waistline. Some of the users say that the changes do not last long as they return to the initial skin appearance and body shape. Some say that VelaShape works well with the cellulite reduction but not for the waistline circumference reduction. There are also other reports regarding the harmful effect of VelaShape. Some people reported that they experience swelling after a few hours of treatment. They also say the the heat gives them a burning sensation that is painful and results in bruises. To avoid these unnecessary results, do consult with a skin expert to avoid the above VelaShape side effects.

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